Brian Hebert

©Photo by Lois Siegel

Ottawa Valley Fiddler

Brian was inducted into the
Ottawa Valley Country Music Hall of Fame

©Photo by Lois Siegel

Brian Hebert receives a Lifetime Achievement Award
in recognition and appreciation
 for his contribution to Old Time Fiddling

Both a master fiddler and composer, Brian Hebert was Artistic Director for the "Fiddles of the World" convention in Halifax, 1999. He has judged fiddle competitions and is known for his outstanding fiddle instruction.

Born in 1954, the son of Edore (French) and Erva (German), Brian began his musical journey at the age of two with a harmonica in Pembroke, Ontario - the heart of the Ottawa Valley - where fiddle and dance is a way of life. Five years later, he took up the fiddle and played with various dance bands and entered fiddle competitions.  "I was the only kid who played the fiddle," he says. He once said that his father would not let him play a tune until he could sing it.

Brian, 10-years-old,  playing on live radio
 with the Mac Beattie Show

Brian taught himself the basics of the drums, piano, guitar, bass, clarinet and trumpet and started a dance band "Colt" which entertained Pembroke and area audiences for 20 years.

He appeared on Mac Beattie's weekly live radio and TV shows and later played with Ned Landry, Jean Carignan, Graham Townsend, Ivan Hicks and Calvin Vollrath.

Attending the University of Ottawa, Brian majored in music and minored in theatre lighting and sound technology. He received an education degree at Queens University and a Music Education Certificate at Ohio State University.

He helped develop the "Pembroke Old Time Fiddling and Step Dancing" competition and has taught music in the Pembroke high school system for 27 years. "Now there are at least 300 young people playing fiddle around the area," he says."  He initiated a credit course in Canadian Fiddle
and teaches Music in Education.

©Photo by Lois Siegel
Brian (left) teaching at By-the-Canal Fiddle Camp
Tom Hutchinson (right)
Manotick, Ontario

©Photo by Lois Siegel

  Web Page Design by Lois Siegel