Fun Stuff

Photo by
Christian Adam beat his own record as he was sitting backwards on his bike and covered a distance of 60,45 km in 5:08 h with playing his violin.

Chocolate Violin
Delice Royal

Ottawa Ontario

Culinary Harmony
Favorite Recipes of the World's
 Finest Classical Musicians
by David Rezits

Fiddle T-Shirt

Fiddle University

Fiddle-Style Harmonica

"Blues Singer"
by Leonard Jones
Immaculate Baking Company

Music Wall

The Piano House is located in Huainan City
An Hui Province, China.
It contains a transparent violin and a piano building.
Inside the violin, there is a staircase towards the piano house - upstairs. This building, built for music lovers, acts as a
performance and practicing area for music students at
 the local college in Huainan City, East China.

Piano Stairs
Stockholm, Sweden

Asya Schween
"He's Mine!"
Kodak Endura Metallic Type-C
Print 12" x 17"

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